Sunday, September 01, 2002

It's my day off today. And I'm actually up during the day. If I can only make it without falling asleep, then I will have counted this day as "productive."

THOUGHT #1: I decided to change the template of my blog. The stone angels on the previous template weren't really angels. Besides, I wanted a links section. I like links; it's simple and subtle advertising.

THOUGHT #2: I feel like an only child. My younger sister has gone clear across the country to start her second year at college. I am the only one to keep my parents company. I have their full and undivided attention and love. I love my parents, but this sucks. I have no one to hang out with anymore.

THOUGHT #3: It's now September. School is starting around the county, and I feel left out. I'm not depressed, just anxious. My life has been defined by teaching methodologies, and I feel a bit restless that I'm not being put to good use in the educational community. Oh well. It's their loss. The world is my oyster.

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