ME: It's this awesome story about a girl who gets transported to another world and her psychic ability is revered by the king of a fallen country. The king owns this super-cool mecha that turns into a dragon--
HIM: Mecha? What's that?
ME: Um... it's like a... machine, robotic-like... It's like a Transformer, but not as boxy or square-looking, but more... aerodynamically streamlined for...transformation and dogfights in the air...
HIM: @_@
If I completely turned fangirl before him before he's ready, I could lose him. But luckily, he likes comics and we were talking about Neil Gaiman, X-Men, Superman, Spiderman, JLA, and Star Trek and Star Wars and X-Files, and other random things that geeks talk about--conventions, book collecting, classical music, CDs, etc. I just have to introduce him to the world of anime, then our nerdy wavelengths will be in-synchronization.