Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Merry Christmas
From the Future Grinch

I dislike the holidays. I only like the Christmas break that I get from the school. It’s not that I’m not religious (kind of), but the holidays are a reason for the family to get together when I don’t feel like getting together. All my sisters come home from wherever they are from, the house is crowded with people, the endless parties with relatives that I see all the time—actually it’s the same party, just moved around to a different house from Christmas Eve, to Christmas day, to New Year’s Day. The radio blares Christmas songs that I’m already sick of. Everyone has messages of goodwill and peace, and I just don’t feel like sharing the goodwill wealth. I just want to stay home and sleep the holidays away, like a bear hibernating through the winter. I want my space, and the holidays are just too crowded for my taste.

I like the winter, but I just don’t like the holidays. I’d rather stay at home. That’s the hermit slowly maturing inside of me.

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