Monday, September 16, 2002

Typical day:
4:00-4:30am: get up
5:30am: leave house.
6:20am: prep for my first class
7:30-9:30am: 1st block
9:45-11:45am: 2nd block
12:15pm-2:10pm: 3rd block
2:10pm--? : I stay on campus until I feel I am finished for the day, or organized for the next day.
7:00pm-?? : lesson planning for the next day

Average sleep time: 3-4 hours.
Fuel: 80% adrenaline, 10% caffeine, 10% water


Everyday I feel like crying. Everything is just so overwhelming, no matter how much support everyone is giving me. Sometimes I get that nauseated feeling, and I want to throw up. I felt like that this evening as I drove home, and the tears started coming down my face as I sat behind the wheel at 6:30pm. Everyday I’m tired to the point where I want to sleep myself in a coma. Everyday I have to remind myself that this is what I wanted, this was my dream job, and this was what I trained for during college. Fatigue and stress are in control of my mind right now, so I know I’m not completely rational when I say that I’m seriously rethinking my decision of being in the teaching profession. We’ll see how I think when I get into the groove of things… if I ever.

Although I’m extremely tired at this moment, I consider it an early night because I finished a lesson plan before midnight. Although I could be enjoying some sought-after rest, I wanted to type an entry for my blog. I feel that this is the only time devoted to myself. I need it because I can’t sleep, eat, and breathe schoolwork. I need it because it might be therapeutic. I need it because if this day is going to end, it will be about me, and not about the kids.

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