I got some strange compliments this week. And to feed my narcissism, I want to share.
#1: A history teacher caught up with me in the hall and told me that he's been hearing great things about me. "From whom?" I asked. He replied: "Well, my students have been complaining that this [his history class] is their hardest class. I told them, 'Aww, come on. This can't be your hardest class'. As they thought about it, they changed their answer from his class to my English class. 'Yeah,' they agreed, "her class is the hardest!' So, you're doing a good job."
#2: I wore one outfit that most of the English teachers said was, like, the "official" English teacher look. What was I wearing? A gray knee length skirt, a black turtleneck, and long boots. I call it my S&M-sexy librarian look. But the other teachers thought I looked like a very sophisticated English teacher.
#3: My students from my sixth period showed me some love today. Since I trust them, I left my classroom for just a wee-bit (technically, students are not allowed to be left in the classroom without adult supervision--even for a minute). When I returned, they were still doing their work. After school, one of the students told me what really happened. "StudentA went to your computer wanting to see his grade and thought he could change it. But StudentB said, 'No... Come on... It's Ms. G.' StudentB says, 'Yeah... okay,' and returns to his seat." How is that a compliment? They're just good like that. And of course, some good discipline on my part. I must be doing something right.
It was a good week. Next week will be even better.