First Nick Berg, now Paul Johnson.
Two things go through my mind:
1) If I were ever taken hostage, knowing that the United States does not negotiate with terrorists, would I be prepared to die for my country? Sometimes, I think yes, I would be, but that's easier said than done.
2) The other thing on my mind: anger and total frustration. What kind of country keeps taking hostages, and no matter how many times the world has said "NO, we will not negotiate," they still don't get the fucking message? I liken them to a spoiled child: they will never be satisfied no matter what is given them. Spoiled children need to be spanked. In this case, why can't we just bomb them already? I know that's harsh, but I'm saddened every time America's own servicemen are killed--endlessly it seems; I'm more frustrated when civilians are taken as hostages to be slaughtered, and I begin to HATE when I see or read of rotting corpses in the streets. Militant Islamists are beyond indecent and inhumane.
They didn't think 9/11 was enough that they had to keep piling on the woes for the American people. I'm wondering when (of if) America will ever seek vengeance. Those jihadists are all eager to go and see Allah; we should help them along. Kill them all in one go, and what's more--we shouldn't feel guilty because they all wanted to die anyway. And no one will miss them because they were a pain in the world's ass.
I'm so angry and frustrated right now.