I took another subbing job today at the high school where I previously worked. I said hello to former students who spotted me, hung out with teachers I hadn't seen, and familiarized myself with what was already familiar. It was nice to see an old haunt.
One of my students pointed out that I have a habit of pushing my glasses up whenever they slide down my noise. I never knew I had that habit until she told me. She claimed that it was the only way she really recognized me. Several students from the classes I subbed gave me lip. Stupid dipshits. There are times when I get frustrated when that happens, but as long as I can find out their names and write them down to get them in trouble, I'm fine by the end of the day. I refuse to bring that kind of stress home!
On a good note, I said my hellos to all the administration-- from the principals to secretaries. I think one of the secretaries is going to hook me up with a summer job. If all goes well, I may teach remedial English during the summer for ninth and tenth grade. Woohoo!